
Android Screen Sharing

For an project in university I needed to show the an Android app over Microsoft Teams. The problem is you can't select the Android emulator as a window for screen sharing. Thankfully I found an awesome alternative. The application is called scrcpy…

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Switching Mail Provider

Today I finally took the time to switch to a new mail provider. Until now I have used a Gmail account for my email and forwarded emails from all my other accounts I created during the years to it. Today I subscribed to Zoho to use their mail…

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100 Days to Offload & MDX

Based on an idea of Kev Quirk I will take part in the #100DaysToOffload challenge. The basic concept of #100DaysToOffload is to write a blog post every day for 100 days. In the past I didn't really post regulary on this blog, with the…

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Time to Read

I finally went and purchased an e-reader for myself. I want to get into the habit of reading more. I purchased a tolino vision 5 so I can get more reading done. I tried reading e-books before on my phone but I didn't like it very much. I like the…

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tale, an Experimental Version Control System

This past semester we had to do a software engineering project in university. A friend and me decided to create an experimental version control system called tale. We wanted to make a VCS to learn how one works and how hard or easy it easy to make…

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