Advent of Code 2019 - Day 6

Advent of CodeRust

Today's problem was about finding paths in a graph of orbits.

The first part was easily solvable using some recursion to get the total number of direct and indirect connections. The second part was to find the distance between two specific orbits.


fn get_tree(input: &str) -> HashMap<String, String> {
    let mut tree: HashMap<String, String> = HashMap::new();
    for orbit in input.lines() {
        let parts: Vec<String> = orbit.split(')').map(String::from).collect();
        let b = &parts[0];
        let a = &parts[1];

        tree.insert(a.to_string(), b.to_string());

fn get_orbits(tree: &HashMap<String, String>, key: String) -> i32 {
    if tree.contains_key(&key) {
        return get_orbits(&tree, tree.get(&key).unwrap().clone()) + 1;


fn get_path(tree: &HashMap<String, String>, key: String) -> HashSet<String> {
    let mut path = HashSet::new();

    let mut child = key;
    loop {
        let parent = tree.get(&child).unwrap().clone();
        if parent == "COM" {

        child = parent;


pub fn part_one(input: &str) -> i32 {
    let tree = get_tree(input);
        .map(|(k, _)| get_orbits(&tree, k.to_owned()))

pub fn part_two(input: &str) -> i32 {
    let tree = get_tree(input);
    let a = get_path(&tree, "YOU".to_owned());
    let b = get_path(&tree, "SAN".to_owned());
        .filter(|v| !(a.contains(v.clone()) && b.contains(v.clone())))
        .count() as i32


2019 - Day 06 - Part 1 time: 10.391697ms
2019 - Day 06 - Part 2 time: 384.626µs

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©2019–2021 Severin Kaderli