Today's task was more about fun space shenanigans.
We had to simulate four moons and their positions and velocity and for part 1 needed to calculate how much total energy there was after 1000 steps. For part 2 we needed to find the step at which they first repeat constellation. This part quite difficult but in the end I found out that you can check when the velocity of each moon reaches the initial state of 0 again for each axis and then find the least common multiply of those three steps.
use num_integer::lcm;
use regex::Regex;
use std::cmp::Ordering;
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Clone)]
struct Moon {
x: i64,
y: i64,
z: i64,
vx: i64,
vy: i64,
vz: i64,
impl Moon {
fn get_kinetic_energy(&self) -> i64 {
self.vx.abs() + self.vy.abs() + self.vz.abs()
fn get_potential_energy(&self) -> i64 {
self.x.abs() + self.y.abs() + self.z.abs()
pub fn get_energy(&self) -> i64 {
self.get_potential_energy() * self.get_kinetic_energy()
pub fn update_position(&mut self) {
self.x += self.vx;
self.y += self.vy;
self.z += self.vz;
pub fn attract(&mut self, other: Moon) {
if *self == other {
self.vx += Moon::apply_gravity(self.x, other.x);
self.vy += Moon::apply_gravity(self.y, other.y);
self.vz += Moon::apply_gravity(self.z, other.z);
fn apply_gravity(first: i64, second: i64) -> i64 {
match first.cmp(&second) {
Ordering::Less => 1,
Ordering::Equal => 0,
Ordering::Greater => -1,
impl From<&str> for Moon {
fn from(input: &str) -> Self {
let pattern = Regex::new(r"<x=(-?\d+), y=(-?\d+), z=(-?\d+)>").unwrap();
let coordinates = pattern.captures(input).unwrap();
Moon {
x: coordinates[1].parse::<i64>().unwrap(),
y: coordinates[2].parse::<i64>().unwrap(),
z: coordinates[3].parse::<i64>().unwrap(),
vx: 0,
vy: 0,
vz: 0,
fn get_moons(input: &str) -> Vec<Moon> {
let mut moons = Vec::new();
for line in input.trim().lines() {
fn simulate(moons: &mut Vec<Moon>, steps: i64) {
for _ in 0..steps {
for i in 0..moons.len() {
for y in 0..moons.len() {
let other = moons[y].clone();
for moon in moons.iter_mut() {
fn find_cycle_step(moons: &mut Vec<Moon>) -> i64 {
let mut step = 1;
let mut x_step = 0;
let mut y_step = 0;
let mut z_step = 0;
loop {
simulate(moons, 1);
if x_step == 0 && moons.iter().all(|x| x.vx == 0) {
x_step = step;
if y_step == 0 && moons.iter().all(|x| x.vy == 0) {
y_step = step;
if z_step == 0 && moons.iter().all(|x| x.vz == 0) {
z_step = step;
if vec![x_step, y_step, z_step].iter().all(|x| *x > 0) {
step += 1
lcm(x_step, lcm(y_step, z_step)) * 2
pub fn part_one(input: &str, steps: i64) -> i64 {
let mut moons = get_moons(input);
simulate(&mut moons, steps);
pub fn part_two(input: &str) -> i64 {
let mut moons = get_moons(input);
find_cycle_step(&mut moons)
2019 - Day 12 - Part 1 time: 1.224197ms
2019 - Day 12 - Part 2 time: 11.938797ms
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